Monday, 23 July 2012

Man Of Steel teaser flies in

What more is there to say? Man of Steel looks very interesting from these teasers. However... I don't believe a man can fly... yet. We'll see if that's changed when the full length trailer hits. There isn't much difference between the trailers, except from the voice-over, which features both Kal-El and Clark Kent's father figures.

This one features Kevin Costner as Jonathan Kent.

And this one features Russell Crowe as Jor-El.

Is it exciting enough? No, not yet, but I think this is just the first in a long line of hype peices which will build up that excitement until I am bursting for Superman to return. In the meantime, I think I'll go back to watching the incredible blu-ray collection. Man of Steel has Superman 1 and 2 (Donner cut) to live up to, and that's a pretty hefty task.


Saturday, 21 July 2012

The Walking Dead season 3 trailer

This looks ridiculously good, and totally brings in tonnes of elements from the comics wonderfully. If the season does it as well as this trailer seems to then we're in for a treat. Plus, this makes me slightly less worried about the Governor being played by David Morrissey, and gives me excited chills at the Michonne appearance.

If you haven't seen the first two seasons of this incredible show, you must have been living under a rock. Bite the bullet and dive in. It's worth it.
