However, there is a second droplet of
good news to ripple the Hulk pond. David Eick, a writer and producer on Battlestar Galactica and Caprica has become involved too, and for me that is a sign of dark time ahead for Hulk, which is of course, a brilliant idea. Although, it probably all depends on his availability as his schedule is now crammed with an adaptation of 'The Children of Men' (which was developed into a brilliant film in 2006) and an interesting sounding sci-fi show titled 'Them'. All three sound like interesting projects, so I'm hoping none of them get put on the back burner in favour of any of the others.

Of course, del Toro's plate is always completely crammed full of interesting projects so the same goes for him too. No news on who will be playing Hulk, as of yet, but in the massive amount of time before fall 2012 I'm sure we'll hear more! However, you can be sure that one of those announcements will be that Lou Ferrigno will make some kind of cameo.
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